Saturday, May 7, 2011

Derby time!

On making mint juleps . . .

Sally: Do we have any bourbon?

Curtis: No, do you want me to go buy some?

Sally: Yeah, I need it for mint juleps.

Curtis: What kind? Jim Beam? Jack Daniels? Maker's Mark? Evan Williams?

Sally: Shit, I don't know. I don't know anything about bourbon. Just go buy it.

Curtis: Okay.

Sally: But make sure it's from Kentucky.

Curtis: I think all bourbon is from Kentucky.

Sally: I don't think that's true.

Curtis: Well, then, where's it from?

Sally: I don't know. Look, just go buy it.

Curtis: Okay.

Sally: If one of them has a horse on the label, buy that. That seems festive and appropriate.

Curtis: Got it. Kentucky-based corn squeezins with a picture of a pony on it. Will do.

Friday, May 6, 2011


On the subject of Mother's Day, as we write out cards for family members . . .

Curtis: I'm really sorry your mom's not here for us to celebrate Mother's Day with her. I loved her so much, and I'm so sad she's gone. But you have so much of her in you, that she'll always be alive. 

Hugs, tears, and meeping ensue.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

They're everywhere! They're everywhere!

On meeting Curtises from around the globe . . .

Sally: So I met the Malaysian Curtis today.

Curtis: So there's a Mexican Curtis AND a Malaysian Curtis? Interesting.

Sally: I know. It was weird. He looks just like you.

Curtis: Don't have sex with him.

Sally: I'll try. No promises.

Curtis: Well, as long as you try.

Curtis is looking into other options for his commute

On advertising that matters:

Curtis: That was the second straight commercial with a donkey in it.

Sally: Oh yeah?

Curtis: Yeah. They're really selling donkeys hard. They're about to roll out the 2011 models. You need to buy your donkey now, while the prices are low.

Sally: Okay.

Curtis: I'm going outside for a second. Let me know if there are any more donkey commercials.

He can pretend it isn't happening for NINE WHOLE MONTHS.

On my love for the terrible show 16 and Pregnant . . .

Moron on Show: Well, you know what they say: a woman becomes a mother when she gets pregnant. A man becomes a father when he sees the baby the first time.

Sally: God, I hate that saying. I really hate it. That is seriously the stupidest saying.

Curtis: (levels his gaze at me) EVERYTHING. About this show. Is stupid.