Saturday, May 7, 2011

Derby time!

On making mint juleps . . .

Sally: Do we have any bourbon?

Curtis: No, do you want me to go buy some?

Sally: Yeah, I need it for mint juleps.

Curtis: What kind? Jim Beam? Jack Daniels? Maker's Mark? Evan Williams?

Sally: Shit, I don't know. I don't know anything about bourbon. Just go buy it.

Curtis: Okay.

Sally: But make sure it's from Kentucky.

Curtis: I think all bourbon is from Kentucky.

Sally: I don't think that's true.

Curtis: Well, then, where's it from?

Sally: I don't know. Look, just go buy it.

Curtis: Okay.

Sally: If one of them has a horse on the label, buy that. That seems festive and appropriate.

Curtis: Got it. Kentucky-based corn squeezins with a picture of a pony on it. Will do.

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