Friday, April 6, 2012

Her favorite words

On the subject of my mother worrying about my mental health . . .

"Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana plays in the background

Sally: This was another one of those songs that Mom was convinced would warp me.

Curtis: Looks like she was right.

Sally: To be fair, we don't know if it was this particular song that did it, or pretty much everything else I listened to that wasn't Johnny Mathis. She said it about Depeche Mode, Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails, Lo Fidelity All-Stars, you name it, it was going to send me screaming down the road to perdition. Sometimes it was the words, sometimes just the music. "This is going to drive you completely insane," she'd say.

Curtis: Well, listening to it certainly didn't HELP you, did it? It's not like listening to any of them made you a mentally balanced upright citizen. Probably just the opposite.

Sally: True. I'm sure she'd love to know she's right. Again.

Curtis: Oh, she knows.

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