Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Boovanses on Sporting Tournaments

I generally hate sports. I'm not good at participating in them, and mostly I don't like watching them. I wanted to find a guy who also did not like sports (playing or watching), as I'd had one formative experience in dating a sports fanatic (and I use that term in its most literal sense). At one point, ex and I had the following conversation:

Sally: I'm really glad you don't like baseball. Because if you did, I doubt we would have had a conversation or made eye contact in the last year and a half.

Guy:  (Glances at me, irritated, before re-fixing his eyes on the television across the restaurant, which is showing some basketball game) What?

Sally: Never mind.

With that interlude (and many others) in mind, I wanted to find this guy's opposite, maybe even someone who didn't like sports at all. But I knew that was probably not going to happen.

And then I found my husband.

And he not only doesn't like sports as much as the other guy . . . he likes them less than I do.

Because I might hate sports, but I LOVE Virginia Tech.

And as I hate baseball, and they're generally terrible at basketball, football is my only choice for a sport to yell about.

Fortunately, they're generally pretty good at football.

Curtis has even gone so far as to attend a game with me this year, and it so happened that it was the ONE GAME THEY LOST. And we've had a lot of conversations about that. Like tonight, when a commentator in the UVA - VT game said that VT had only lost one game.

Curtis: They only lost one game?

Sally: Yes.

Curtis: To Clemson?

Sally: Yes.

Curtis: The one we went to?

Sally: Yes.

Curtis: And stood in the rain?

Sally: Yes.

Curtis: And then you got a speeding ticket later?

Sally: Yes. We've gone over this repeatedly.

Curtis: (with gleeful malice) I know.

Or when I tried to explain Basic Rankings to Curtis:

Sally: Clemson lost to Georgia Tech. And Virginia Tech is playing them next week. If they can beat Georgia Tech next week, that will be good.

Curtis: Why would that matter?

Sally: Because Virginia Tech lost to Clemson, but Clemson lost to Georgia Tech. If Georgia Tech loses to Virginia Tech, it puts us in a better standing.

Curtis: But you still lost to Clemson.

Sally: I know. But if we beat Georgia Tech, it's good for us.

Curtis: But Clemson still beat you.

Sally: I know that.

Curtis: Really, really bad. I mean bad. Like bad.

Sally: Yup. Totally clear on this.

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